If you have any additional questions or enquiries please direct these to the contact details below or submit an on-line enquiry via this web page.
03 9458 2888
03 9458 3878
Priority Healthcare's staff are proud to boast a 100% accreditation rate relating to physiotherapy specific standards. We hope that the reason for this will become evident as you work with us.
Great care is taken to ensure our facilities are fully compliant with government accreditation and documentation standards.
Our unique staffing structure means you will always have one regular Physiotherapist to work at your facility and a manager who will perform a minimum of one shift per fortnight. We do this to ensure the highest possible level of care and to ensure we thoroughly work through any complex care requirement your facility or residents may have.
Our Physiotherapists are experienced in providing care for dementia, high and low care residents. We are familiar with ageing in place and various other programs.
We achieve our goals through extensive knowledge of aged care funding protocols, comprehensive assessments experience and precise care planning procedures. Our methodical documentation, precise communication and emphasis on clear directives ensures we are valuable members of your facility.
We are skilled in using iCare, LeeCare, paper notes and various other computer software packages used in aged care facilities.
We generally charge $89+GST per hour (GST is rebated during quarterly BAS). There may be cheaper physiotherapy services providers but we only provide experienced aged care clinicians with excellent communications skill and a high work ethic.